The Reform, Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF) is a unique and inclusive platform to respond to Lebanon’s national reform challenges and unlock investments in reconstruction. The 3RF is a collaborative and strategic partnership between the Government of Lebanon, the civil society and the international community.

Launched in December 2020, the 3RF was originally designed as a response plan to address the urgent needs of the population affected by the 4th of August Port of Beirut explosion and to implement much-needed reforms to support reconstruction and to help restore people’s trust in governmental institutions by improving governance.

Between 2021 and 2022, the 3RF focused on:

  1. people-centered recovery, addressing the urgent needs of the people affected by the explosion; and
  2. national initiative to focus on priority reforms and pave the way for reconstruction.

Reforms and Reconstruction

The people-centered recovery response ended in June 2022. Today, the 3RF looks beyond the scope of the Port of Beirut blast and focuses on inclusive policy dialogue and on the implementation of reforms and the long-term reconstruction of critical assets, services, and infrastructure, enabling sustainable economic recovery across all of Lebanon. The Government of Lebanon committed to the priorities of the 3RF and has a leading role in passing and implementing much-needed reforms. Civil society organizations add their expertise and monitor progress. The international community supports with its expertise and potentially with funding also through the prioritization of their interventions. Convening the full range of stakeholders brings together all the resources needed to make progress possible, including on the prior actions listed in the Staff-Level Agreement with the International Monetary Fund, which are fully aligned with the 3RF.

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The 3RF has specific reform priorities, that were identified through an inclusive process led by the Government of Lebanon, civil society, and the international community. Progress on these reforms is essential in order to unlock investments in the reconstruction of critical assets, services and infrastructure.

In January 2024, the 3RF asked Lebanese citizens what they thought of reforms, through a series of vox-pop videos. Participants shared their personal interpretations of 'reforms', the significance they hold, the specific reforms they wish to see implemented, and whether there is a pressing urgency for these reforms to be implemented or not. Check out their answers and call for action in these vox-pop videos.


As part of the 3RF financing strategy, the Lebanon Financing Facility is a multi-donor trust fund established by the World Bank, in close cooperation with the United Nations and the European Union and with support from key donors.

The objective of the Lebanon Financing Facility is to kick-start the immediate socio-economic recovery of vulnerable populations and businesses affected by the Port of Beirut explosion. It pools grant resources and strengthens financing, while supporting selected 3RF priorities.

As part of its focus on 3RF recovery and reforms tracks, the Lebanon Financing Facility aims to support the Government of Lebanon in the implementation of reforms and to prepare for medium-term recovery and reconstruction.